What is process based project management term?

Process-based project management - A methodology that views projects as means of pursuing organizational objectives. It involves using an organization’s mission and values to guide the creation and pursuit of project objectives. If project objectives aren’t in alignment with the company mission statement, they are amended accordingly.

Hey there, fellow project enthusiasts! I wanted to share some insights into the term “Process-Based Project Management” since it’s been a game-changer for me.

In a nutshell, process-based project management focuses on the systematic, step-by-step approach to handling projects. It’s all about breaking down the project into manageable processes, each with specific goals, tasks, and timelines.

This method has truly transformed the way I handle projects. It promotes better organization, efficiency, and accountability. Plus, it makes it easier to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments along the way.

If you’re looking to enhance your project management skills, I highly recommend exploring process-based project management. It’s a fantastic way to achieve better results with less stress. :blush: