What is organisational project management?

Organizational project management - A strategic approach that emphasizes the effective management of projects, programs, and portfolios as the best way to pursue organizational objectives. It focuses on aligning an organization’s activities with its objectives and on managing these activities collectively, so they contribute to objectives.

Hey fellow forum members,

I wanted to discuss the concept of Organisational Project Management (OPM) because I’ve found it to be a game-changer in my professional journey. OPM isn’t just your average project management; it’s a holistic approach to managing projects across an entire organization.

OPM goes beyond individual project management and focuses on aligning projects with an organization’s strategic goals. It considers how projects interconnect, share resources, and ultimately contribute to the success of the whole company. This approach has improved our efficiency, communication, and the overall success of our projects.

Have any of you implemented OPM in your organization? I’d love to hear your experiences and insights!