What is Merger and acquisation?

When two businesses are similar in size, the scale of operations, combines to form one entity or company, it is known as a merger. While as when one business typically large in structure buys an another smaller business it is known as acquisition( bigger brands acquiring smaller brands).

Mergers and acquisitions are defined as the consolidation of companies. Mergers is the combination of two companies to form one and acquisitions is taken over by the other. It is one of the major aspects of finance. M&A works in the capital market. They provide services -

  • Lead managing, underwriting and syndicating IPOs and follow-on offerings in the domestic market
  • Lead managing, underwriting and syndicating debt in domestic markets for Indian issuers by way of public issuances or private placements
  • Marketing Block Trades
  • Advice on new and innovative debt and equity-linked corporate finance products