What is a work-from-home job?

A work-from-home job is a job you can perform from home. They often require an internet connection so you can collaborate and network with colleagues and managers. Working from home—or telecommuting—gives employees the flexibility and freedom to perform their work tasks from their home offices.

Some telecommuting employees even travel while they work, as long as there’s a reliable internet connection so they can complete their job duties. While working from home can be highly appealing and come with many benefits, there are also potential drawbacks to consider when switching to a work-from-home position.
Working from home can be an appealing career move. It eliminates most of the traditional aspects of going to work, like commuting and dressing in business attire, while reducing social interaction and standard means of accountability. Depending on your preferred work style and culture priorities, it could either be the best thing for you or the worst. So, if you’re thinking about a work-at-home job, there are several things to consider before making the transition. In this article, we list the most common pros and cons of working from home to help you determine if this is the right career move for you.