What do you mean by key performance indicators KPI

This tool is primarily used in goal determination ane to find out whether the Operations are working towards the set goals or not. It i metric a business measures its progress against when performing BI analytics to determine whether it is meeting its goals. The results are reported in the form of a dashboard or a scorecard report that enables executives, managers, and employees to assess performance, and whether a given goal (or metric) is being met, exceeded, or missed.

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators. This are measurable values of progress being made by an organisation, a project or an individual assigned a role.

KPIs must be SMART; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic/Relevant and Time-bound. That was they can easily be evaluated to determine if they are being met.

For example the KPI for a search engine optimization campaign could be the number of website visits that came from organic search.