What are varied courses taught in MBA finance?

There are varied courses in the field of finance which bolsters the grasp of candidate on the subject. These cources are taught in almost all the universities and colleges which provide a specializtion in the field f finance.

Corporate Finance: This course introduces non-majors and majors to business finance (company financial management and investments) in preparation for upper-level coursework. The major goal is to give the framework, concepts, and tools for analysing financial decisions using modern finance theory’s fundamental principles. The method is methodical and analytical. Discounted cash flow approaches, corporate capital budgeting and valuation, investment decisions under uncertainty, capital asset pricing, options, and market efficiency are just a few of the topics covered. In addition, the course will examine corporate financial policy, including capital structure, cost of capital, dividend policy, and other related topics. Additional subjects will vary depending on the lecturers.

MacroEconomics: This subject is obligatory for all students, except those who can acquire a waiver by passing an examination if they have prior training in macroeconomics, money and banking, and stabilization policy at an intermediate or advanced level. The course’s goal is to teach students how to think systematically about the economy and macroeconomic policy and how to assess the economic environment in which business and financial decisions are made. The course stresses the use of economic theory to comprehend the operation and influence of financial markets and government policy. We’ll look at the factors that influence national income, employment, investment, interest rates, money supply, inflation, exchange rates, and the design and operation of monetary policy.

Advanced Corporate Finance: The goal of this course is to cover the major decision-making areas of managerial finance and some selected financial theory subjects. The course examines the theory and empirical facts surrounding a firm’s investment and financing policies, to improve decision-making abilities in these areas. Leasing, mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganisations, financial planning, working capital management, and a few other issues may be included. Some of them are investment decision-making in the face of uncertainty, cost of capital, capital structure, and pricing.

Investment Management: This course examines the principles and data behind investment portfolio management. Diversification, asset allocation, portfolio optimization, factor models, the risk-return relationship, trading, passive (e.g., index funds) and active (e.g., hedge funds, long-short) strategies, mutual funds, performance evaluation, long-horizon investing, and simulation are just a few of the topics covered. Individual security valuation and discretionary investment are barely mentioned in the course (i.e., “equity research” or “stock picking”).

Valuation: The focus of this course is on business valuation. The course examines current conceptual and theoretical valuation frameworks and converts them into practical methods to company valuation. The required accounting subjects and appropriate finance theory are combined to demonstrate how to put the valuation frameworks presented into practice step by step. The course teaches how to develop the essential information for valuing organizations using financial statements and other information sources in a real-world situation. Discounted cash flow methodologies and price multiples are among the topics explored in depth. Other valuation methodologies, like as leveraged buyout analysis, are also covered in the course.