After months of practice and hard work, the excitement and nervousness of an aspirant on the CAT exam day is natural. While some amount of nervousness is always good to keep an aspirant on toes and in apprehension of the challenges, one must not let the feeling overpower their judgement and thought process while answering the paper.
All the formulas, practice, vocabulary, and practice scores aside, on the day it counts the most, the aspirant should approach the paper as a new day and a new start. Always remember, that the level of questions will be same for everyone, and if you have worked hard and sincerely for all these months, then what looks difficult to you, is probably same for others too. The difficulty level is beyond our control, and you must focus on what you can control in those hours:
Go with a positive state of mind, with a belief that you can crack it, since you have put the correct effort into this.
Go through the section to grab an idea of the pattern and difficulty level of the question, also to mark the simpler or familiar ones which you can finish to get a good start.
Whenever you feel that a question is slowing you down and taking a lot of time, skip it and have a look at others, to return to it when you have given your best shot to rest of the section.
Always leave some time to go through the “marked for review” questions so you can provide them with finishing touches and add to your score.