Top companies and salaries in investment banking

The top 10 companies in the investment banking sector are:-

  1. Goldman Sachs (
  2. Morgan Stanley (
  3. J. P Morgan (
  4. Evercore (
  5. Centreview Partners (
  6. Lazard (
  7. Moelis & Company (
  8. PJT Partners (
  9. Bank of America (
  10. Credit Suisse (India - Credit Suisse)

Since there is a wide range of job roles and positions in investment banking, starting from business analyst to CFO, an employee’s average salary ranges from 2.5lakh to 90Lakh per year. This salary usually depends on various factors and the employee’s skills. Some of the factors are a company, location and experience. You should not choose the company based upon the salary it is giving, but also consider the side benefits or the incentives it offers like insurance on health, travel allowances etc. Also, the reputation of the company matters when you are switching jobs. The location also matters because of the cost of living in a given city-state or country. We should check whether the place has a high demand for investment bankers or a hub for growing financial activities. The experience is directly proportional to the payment of your job. Your salary increases proportionally with just a few years of experience in the industry.