Tips to crack CMAT General Awareness Section?

1. Stay current: You should endeavour to stay up to date on all of the latest news. It is beneficial not just for answering objective questions but also for answering subjective ones.Keep up with the latest government initiatives in the fields of the economy, the environment, financial news, sports, politics, social issues, important corporate events, prestigious prizes, world records, and foreign news.

2. Reliable sources: The best way to stay up to date on current events and news is to read the English newspaper regularly. It will not only keep you up to date, but it will also help you improve your reading comprehension speed. Going through the Forum conversations, reading editorials, and watching televised talks on significant matters.

3. Practice diligently: Aspirants should use sample papers, model papers, and previous year papers to prepare for the exam. You may also use the widely available GK applications on your phone to keep up with your preparation.

4. Read the Analysis: Using practise papers, analyse your strengths and weaknesses. This will aid in time management during the main examination. Practice quizzes on various General Awareness themes should be attempted.

5. Review Expert Analysis: It is good to review expert analysis of previous year’s papers to have a clear sense of the level of questions. You may misinterpret a question as challenging when it’s moderate or easy. This clearly means that you need to work a little more complicated

General Awareness section of CMAT 2022

The CMAT2022 exam’s General Awareness component is worth 100 points. The general awareness part, like the other three (Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, and Language Comprehension), is crucial. Unlike several other tests, the CMAT 2022 exam’s GK portion contains a negative score. As a result, students are unable to minimize it.

It is critical to be a voracious reader and aware of your surroundings in order to prepare for the GK portion. Question banks based on recent trends can help you pass the GK section. The CMAT2022 GK syllabus is currently unknown.

Here are some points to keep in mind when preparing for the General Awareness section:

  1. Understand various important government plans
  2. Read about all the important national and international events that took place in the last two years
  3. Find out what sporting events are going on, their names, logos, host countries, winners and more.
  4. Memorize world records, books, authors and winners
  5. Events related to entertainment, politics, etc.

Here are some tips for improving the readiness of the GK

  1. Read the newspaper, particularly the editorials. This is beneficial not only for the GK portion, but also for language comprehension.
  2. Access unlimited digital content, including as practice tests, question banks, and PDFs, that is available online.
  3. Links to literature specific to CMAT 2022 preparation, such as Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay’s CMAT Study Pack.
  4. Review the question from the previous year and respond to the key provided by the national testing institute.