Self-employed jobs with no prior qualifications needed

Many self-employed jobs require a skill or talent, but there are numerous opportunities with no prior qualifications or education needed. These positions include driving for Uber or food delivery services, providing child or elder care, and blogging. Any of these jobs offer a potential part-time or full-time income.

  1. Gig economy
    The gig economy encompasses jobs that independent contractors, online platform workers, and temporary workers perform under a formal agreement with on-demand service companies. Popular types of these jobs include ridesharing such as Uber and Lyft, delivery services such as Instacart and DoorDash, and home services such as Handy. Most gig economy arrangements give individuals the flexibility to work as much or as little as they want.

  2. Content creation
    Many people have found success creating content through blogs and social media sites. Writing blogs, creating videos, and posting on social media are fun ways that people can express themselves and eventually monetize should they gain traction. Creating high-quality, engaging content takes a lot of time and practice, though. Every piece of content needs to be well thought out, with a lot of effort put into it. Creators need to understand that building an audience takes time, and even if they do everything right, the audience may never come. However, there are opportunities to work with brands, creating the various types of content companies need to reach their target audience.

  3. Child and elder care
    Offering your services to take care of a child or elderly person is a flexible way to earn an income. Parents are always looking for help to take care of and watch over their children, but some can’t afford to put their children in day care. Watching a child for a few hours a day gives you flexibility with your schedule and a rewarding way to make money

The same is true for elder care. Many people want their elderly loved ones to be watched over and have company. Like day care, though, putting them in a community is too expensive for some families. Coming over to their house, talking to them, and doing chores for them is another way you can be your own boss or earn a side income. Companies that want to recruit the best talent often offer child and elder care as a company benefit to attract talent.