Start your preparation with two basic questions; tell me about yourself and WHY MBA? These two are the definite questions to be asked in an interview, and you can drive your interview according to your well-organised answers to those questions. Make different pitches of your answer.
Prepare a self-introduction for 1 minute, 2 minutes and 3 minutes. Write down WHY MBA answers according to your past experience and how you think MBA will be useful for you in the coming future. Answers shouldn’t be too long or too short either.
Be a storyteller who will engage the panellists. Practise in front of the mirror daily to understand your body language while answering. Your responses should be multidimensional and should stop avoiding monologue answers. Always have alternate answers if the interviewer twists the question something, “if not MBA, what will you be doing”. Also, thoroughly research the college and the course you applied for.
Types of Questions asked in the Personal Interview round for MBA college admissions
An interviewer can ask a wide range of questions based on your answers. But there are some basic questions which we have to be well prepared in advance to make a good impression.
1. Tell me about yourself?
3. WHY this B-school?
4. Why management course you are interested in doing an MBA
5. What are your greatest strengths?
6. What are your biggest weakness?
7. Difference between manager and a leader
8. Your experience in management
9. Your skills that will help in MBA ?
10. Where does one see yourself within the next five years?
11. What are your future and short term goals?
12. Why do you think you are the right fit for this B-School
13. Mention any work where you portrayed any leadership qualities
14. The biggest fear who had overcome?
15. What do you expect from an MBA?