And we know that experience teaches everyone a lot of things they wouldn’t have known otherwise. Therefore it is important for any applicant who is going to sit for an interview later, to read about the company, its objectives and its goals and if possible, look for experiences from people who have given or have sat for the placement processes of the same company earlier. This will not only enable him for the forthcoming interview but also prepare him for any question that he was not expecting from the recruiters to ask him. Sometimes the recruiters ask questions that are very random in nature and they leave the applicant confused. In such situations, if the applicant has gone through the placement experiences of those who had sat for that particular company earlier, he would least have an upper hand in that criteria and he might not be as confused and as he would’ve been if he had not read the experiences of such people. Sometimes freshers who sit for interviews or giving it for the first time and they do not know how to interact with the interviewer, in such cases, it is important to keep in mind that they should not let the interviewer intimidate them, and try to be as calm as possible that particular situation.