Pandemic boosts the need of cybersecurity professionals?

  • India’s Cybersecurity coordinator claims that the country’s new policy would encompass the full ecosystem of cyberspace.
  • According to Lt. Gen. (Dr) Rajesh Pant, National Cybersecurity Coordinator, Prime Minister’s Office, Government of India, the Indian government plans to present a new cybersecurity strategy this year.
  • “The epidemic has boosted cyber crimes in India by 500 percent, and India is one of the top three attacked nations in the world when it comes to cyber attacks,” said Lt. Gen. Pant.
  • The Indian government just linked 1.5 lakh gramme panchayats to the internet via an optical fibre network, expanding the country’s internet access and therefore raising the possibility of future assaults. The emergence of other new technology, such as drones and IoT devices, is also posing a concern. The government has taken a number of steps to maintain a safe, secure, and trusted online.
  • Cybercrime is on the rise. The hardest aspect is attribution, and now (cyber criminals) are using the dark web, and the pandemic has provided the ideal storm for cyber criminals," India’s Prime Minister remarked in 2020.