Metrics for Product Managers : Product/Feature popularity metrics

Metrics to measure product/feature popularity

One of the central product manager responsibilities is to lead the product development workshop, where a product team works on the ideation of new features and UX design. To make relevant decisions, you need convincing data on product and feature usage. Two key metrics here are the number of user actions and sessions per user.

Number of sessions per user

This metric helps understand key user behavior: how often users come back and use the site. It can be tracked with statistics that display the number of logins or site visits. This KPI reveals the popularity of a product – if the audience engages with it again and again. Unlike traffic or session duration, the number of sessions per user shows an average for a particular group of people in some time period.

How to use number of sessions per user. Compare this data within different groups of users or visitors (retained and churned) to forecast user behavior changes before churn and prevent it.

Number of user actions per session

This KPI seems similar to the previous one, but it tracks not just how many times a user opened an app. It displays which actions a user made and which feature(s) they used while using the app. This metric is used to understand the popularity of a certain feature since it was introduced and compared to a particular period of time. Also, you can compare these metrics of churned and retained customers and get an idea of what makes the users interested in your product.

How to use the number of user actions. Use this data in A/B testing to make decisions about features, UX elements, and to understand customer behavior.

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