MBA Interview preparation - Tell me about a Position of responsibility

Tell us about a position, or experience, at work or during / post-college that showcases having a great deal of responsibility.

I completed my under graduation at XYZ College. Our Chancellor is Shri ABC a famous spiritual leader and a world-renowned humanitarian who espouses the idea that education is for life.

I never quite understood what it meant until I volunteered to be carried out social work on Shri ABC’s birthday in Vallikavu.

Lakhs of devotees all over the world pour into the tiny coastal hamlet called Vallikavu every year on this day to receive blessings from Shri ABC. This brings with it logistic challenges.

We were drafted in, and we had to work with several other people to ensure everything goes according to plan. This work seemed even more enjoyable for the fact that we were working for a noble cause. The whole experience changed me for the better and made me the person that I am today