Interview Experience 1 -XLRI-HR

The XLRI-HR interview experience was something that was what I would call a wholesome interview. It was held virtually over Zoom and the panel comprised of 2 Male panelists and 1 Female panelist

Some of the excerpts from the interview:_

P1:-Tell me about yourself(cuts me)
P1:- You have worked at TCS Digital organization, tell me more about your role
P1:- Tell me more about the HR Practices in TCS?

Cuts back to P2

P2:- What makes you suitable for our program and sets you apart from the others
P2:- Asks me follow up questions on that(Heavy Grilling)
P2:- Asks me about the LGBTQ policies in TCS
P2:- A couple of academic questions

P3:- Asks about basic and variable pay
P3:- Couple of labor law-related questions

The interview was rapid and cross-questioning was at its peak. Aspirants must definitely prepare for this interview in excruciating depth as it could make or break your chances.