Interview Experience 1 -IMT

The IMT interview experience was something that was what I would call a wholesome interview. It was held virtually over Zoom and the panel comprised of 2 Male panelists and 1 Female panelist

Some of the excerpts from the interview:_

P1:-Tell me about yourself(cuts me)
P1:- You have worked at TCS Digital organization, tell me more about your role
P1:- Tell me more about java class and its properties and explain it like you do to a layman?

Cuts back to P2

P2:- What makes you suitable for our program
P2:- Gives a topic to speak on for a minute and it was based on role of sports in educating society
P2:- Asks me about budget
P2:- A couple of academic questions from dbms and cloud computing

P3:- Asks sports-related questions from SOP
P3:- Asks me about a sports-related situation and my reaction to that

The interview was rapid and cross-questioning was at its peak. Aspirants must definitely prepare for this interview in excruciating depth as it could make or break your chances.

The interview requires you to be ready two hours before the actual interview with the panel starts.

  • Before the interview process, there is an extensive form that needs to be filled which requires the candidate to submit a one-minute video on which further questions can be asked during the interview.

  • The form also consists of an SOP (Statement of Purpose) which a candidate must write carefully in order to provide a first good impression to the interviewer.

  • Before the final process begins, there is an audio and video check in order to have a seamless interview procedure.

  • The Point of Contact for the institute informs the candidates about their slot number, panel number, and the tentative time of the interview.

  • The POC calls the candidate fifteen minutes before the interview is scheduled and adds them to the waiting room.

The panelists were humble and welcoming and put me to ease before the interview started. If the candidate is self-aware and has technical knowledge about his field of study, the interview can be handled with ease.
