How to Prioritize Retention in Your Company

After a hiring manager selects a candidate based on the appropriate traits outlined above, the next step is finding a way to ensure that talent stays on board. Human resource managers know that hiring the wrong person for a job can be a frustrating and disappointing experience, both for the company and the new hire. With so much at stake, it’s essential that human resource personnel have advanced knowledge of the strategies and skills that make hiring and keeping winners a standard in their business, not a lucky occurrence.

Keeping the Best
Once winning talent has been brought on board, the challenge becomes keeping them invested, engaged, and committed to the company. If truly extraordinary talent has been hired, the chance of competitors trying to woo them is high. From the very beginning of their employment, human resources can play a pivotal role in keeping the best candidates from leaving.

Help the Candidates Find Their Professional Passion: To keep the best and the brightest, a company needs to provide more than just money; it needs to provide purpose. Talented people want to feel engaged in something meaningful, and if they don’t feel a connection or passion for their work, their commitment to the company can wane. One strategy human resources can utilize to retain the professional winners is to reach out on a regular basis to check in with top talent on what they like or don’t like about their work, what they feel passionate about, and what they want to do more of. With that information, human resources can facilitate a discussion with supervisors and incorporate more of their passion projects into the role. Sending the message that employees can choose all aspects of their role is unrealistic, but showing concern for employees to be fulfilled by their work is realistic and effective for retention.
Provide Regular Feedback: Many companies make the mistake of thinking their winning talent doesn’t need or want regular feedback. Instead, they provide yearly performance evaluations that are directly linked to compensation. But top talent is interested in growing as well as learning, and can lose interest quickly if their managers aren’t providing constructive and positive feedback. A strategy that savvy human resource personnel can use is to encourage managers to provide more regular feedback to their teams unrelated to compensation so there is a culture of development and investment in the winning talent.
While these strategies are effective, the best strategy any human resource professional can utilize to hire winners and keep them is to educate them and stay up to date on new processes and trends.