Each language comprehension test consists of four subsections:
- Speaking Ability
- Vocabulary
- English Grammar
- Reading Comprehension
To prepare each of them you need to use a different strategy. Here are some important tips to help you prepare for the Language Comprehension section of CMAT 2022:
Start preparing early to build vocabulary and reading comprehension. Read newspapers, books, and novels of all kinds for at least an hour each day. Write down unfamiliar words, phrases, and idioms you come across as you read to review their meaning, context, and usage.
Do crossword puzzles and word-meaning games in your free time. It will help you build English vocabulary in an interesting way.
Vocabulary can be approached through etymology - understanding the basic meanings. For example, knowing the meaning of the Latin word loqui can help you understand words like eloquent, loquacious, monologue, ventriloquism, circumlocution, granloquent, grandiloquent, etc. Understand and remember the use of prefixes and suffixes. This will be very helpful in understanding the word usage. -
Study grammar topics individually to clarify concepts and their application. After completing a topic, practice sample questions to see how well you understand the topic.
Practice verbal and reading comprehension mock test sentences and sample questions for complete CMAT preparation. The more Para jumble questions you solve, the better you become at it.