How to Get Started With HR Analytics?

For HR leaders keen to get started with using HR analytics for data-based decision making, here are some tips:

The complete HR analytics cycle

I. Create a collective mindset

Before the operational and mathematical aspect can kick in, HR leaders must prepare their teams and organizations for a workflow driven by analytics.

While the discussion with the C-suite for the need for analytics is one part of the change, the other is preparing your team to deal with the amount of data that they will now be using to measure the change.

This is a crucial aspect of [HR’s digital transformation as well as company-wide digital transformation. Getting the team started on small projects and asking them to create the reports that they will discuss with business leaders is a good way to begin.

II. Bring in data scientists

The data scientist is expected to become an integral part of HR teams. They are best suited to assess the viability of an analytics solution. They can also ensure the robustness of the statistical modeling and predictions.

As Collins says, “data scientists will play an invaluable role in creating a culture of analytics across HR. As the role of HR business partners and generalists evolves to include skills such as data strategy, analysis, and communication (articulating ‘the story behind the science’), the data scientist will serve as the coach, mentoring their colleagues across HR in how to understand, and apply, the insights.”

III. Start small

A great technique to convince stakeholders that HR analytics can drive business value is to first implement a small project successfully. Called “quick wins,” these projects can deliver tangible results in a short amount of time with high impact.

IV. Get clearance from the legal team

The sort of data collection that HR analytics uses is governed heavily by compliance laws. Some legal considerations to keep in mind when implementing an HR analytics solution are:

    1. Employee privacy and anonymity
  1. Consent from employees about the amount and type of data being collected
  2. Establishing the goal of data collection and informing employees accordingly
  3. IT security when using third-party software to run HR analytics
  4. Location of the HR analytics vendor – with whom the data will be stored – and their compliance with local laws

Collaborate with the legal team of your organization to ensure ethics and compliance norms are followed.

V. Choose an HR analytics solution

Any HR analytics solution that will be used at scale must have certain components.