One of the most asked questions in a personal Interview is to Give us a note of your strengths and weaknesses. The motive behind asking such a question is that the interviewer wants to check if the candidate is self-aware or not. Such types of questions should not be left and must be prepared in advance. It is sufficient that a candidate prepares a list of 5 strengths and weaknesses. All the strengths mentioned by a candidate must have a story to back it up as in enough reasoning and instances to make the interviewer believe that the information is true. There can be some cross-questioning on the same and a candidate should not contradict his own statements. For weaknesses, it is very important that a candidate does not speak about a strength disguised as a weakness. For eg- I am so focused on my work that I tend to lose track of time. Such answers are perceived negatively and do not reflect well. Instead, a candidate can tell them about weaknesses but also mention how he/she is working on them to become a better version of themselves.