How is the interview experience at Accenture?

Accenture began the recruitment process on my campus by sending the Job Description and related information, as well as a registration link, via email. After registering via the provided link, we received an email with a link to our profile on their support website.

Round 1 (Cognitive and Technical Evaluation):
This round is essentially an elimination round, and if you do not qualify, you will be unable to participate in the subsequent rounds. This exam will be taken with the assistance of Safe Exam Browser. Check the system’s compatibility, as many of my classmates had problems with the system and were unable to participate in the recruitment process.

Round 2 (Coding Assessment):
If you receive a link for this round, you have qualified the first round. This is also an elimination round, and it is absolutely necessary to proceed to the next step. There will be two coding questions, both of which will be fairly simple.

Round 3 (Communication Assessment):
If you have passed both of the preceding rounds, you are halfway through the recruitment process.
This is not a knockout round. It is divided into six sections, with varying amounts of time allotted to each candidate to answer each question. The sections are as follows: Reading (8 questions), Listening (16 questions), Questions and Answers (24 questions), Jumbled Sentences (10 questions), Retelling a Story (3 questions), Speaking (3 questions) (2 ques).

Final Round (Interview):
Both the technical and HR rounds will have only one round. The interviewer questions you around the information on your resume. They will assess your confidence, calmness, and positive attitude during this round. Questions were posed to me. The round begins with a brief introduction from both the interviewer and the interviewee.