GMAT Quantitative Reasoning

The quantitative reasoning section has 2 parts both containing 18 questions each. These are as follows:

  1. Data Sufficiency
    In this section, the candidate is expected to use quantitative analysis ability to draw conclusions about which data is relevant and which data is irrelevant. This section requires application of logical reasoning as well as analytical reasoning to draw inferences and arrive at conclusions. These are also to be used to determine at which point the data is sufficient to solve the quantitative problem at hand.

  2. Problem Solving
    The problem-solving questions are pretty straightforward in nature and involve the use of basic arithmetic and algebra to solve the assigned problems. The level of difficulty will vary on how well the candidate has solved problems so far in the examinations as GMAT is recursive in nature and evolves as the candidate does well and asks harder questions. In India, people tend to score high in this section. Here also the candidate has to use logical reasoning and basic arithmetic to solve problems.

    The questions in both sections are Multiple Choice Questions of the objective type.

Only the Integrated Reasoning component of the GMAT allows you to use a calculator. Quantitative is what determines your overall GMAT score. If this makes you nervous, remember that “you can’t use a calculator” means “you don’t need one.”

It’s important to remember that the GMAT Quantitative portion assesses your ability to make calculations in a clever, time-efficient manner rather than your ability to perform time-consuming computations. You can save time and boost your GMAT Quantitative score if you understand the difference.

1. Data sufficiency is logical .

How many times have you gotten stuck on Data Sufficiency, perfectly worked out a time-consuming computation, only to discover that you chose a trap solution and got the question wrong? Consider the following example question.

What is the value of x ?

  1. 3 < x < 5
  2. x 3 is equivalent to the reciprocal of the square root of 10-3

Statement 1 appears to be welcoming, doesn’t it? However, when analyzing Statement 1, keep in mind that it is an inequality that indicates a range of values between 3 and 5. Because there is no requirement that x be an integer in the issue, x can have any number other than 4. As a result, this assertion is insufficient.

Let’s face it, without a calculator; Statement 2 seems terrible! But think before you moan and try to calculate the square root of 10-3 by hand. The goal isn’t to determine the exact value of x, but to determine whether it can be determined. Consider x3 first. There is just one solution when a variable is raised to an odd exponent (unlike even exponents, which produce two solutions). In addition, the statement includes the term “is comparable to,” followed by a real value (although a peculiar one), implying that x has only one actual value. Your task has been completed. Statement 2 is sufficient on its own; no calculations are necessary.

2.Fractions are your friend .

Aren’t fractions and decimals merely alternative ways of expressing the same value? So, why does it matter if you solve a problem with 1/4 or 0.25? When compelled to calculate by hand, it’s sometimes preferable to use fractions rather than potentially dealing with decimals. This is especially true on the GMAT, where numbers are frequently picked for problems because they are fraction-friendly.

3.Rely on real-world problems

In everyday life, we all have to perform mental calculations. Using “data analysis” abilities, such as averages, rates, percentages, and ratios, to estimate remaining fuel, calculating arrival times, or altering a recipe all require “data analysis” skills. Do you calculate a gratuity by multiplying 10% of your total cost by two?

Don’t be put off by a problem because it appears on the GMAT. The skills you’re being evaluated on are ones you utilise on a regular basis. You simply need to apply those skills to GMAT issues in the same way as you would to real-world difficulties. On the GMAT, many percentages can be taken as tips (albeit occasionally large ones):

4.Take clues from your answer options.

The format of the response choices on Problem Solving questions can help you decide how to tackle the problem. A learner might spend several minutes manually calculating the cube root of 4 before realising that the response options were expressed in ranges (less than 0, between 0 and 1, between 1 and 2, etc.). In such cases, you should estimate rather than calculate.

Don’t be the exam taker who laboriously multiplies out the answers to an exponents question just to learn that the solution was expressed in exponential form as well. The challenge in that situation was to see if the test-taker could recreate the answer using exponential laws rather than compute it.

Simplify first, spread as much as possible, and allow the responses direct your strategy. By relating GMAT Quantitative questions to familiar events, you can trust your “real-world math.” Most importantly, get rid of the calculator from your everyday routine. Memorize your times tables, practise converting decimals to fractions, and add and subtract by hand when necessary. You’ll get the confidence you need to score like the GMAT masters if you make ordinary math a part of your daily routine!