A day in the life of a management consultant usually begins by reporting to the headquarters. This is followed by creating a to-do list for the day, responding to emails, etc. At some point in the day, the management consultant connects with an executive either in person or via the phone. This executive is your superior and overseas. The progress of your particular project. He or she may ask for status updates and ensure that you are on the right path.
The second half of the day begins with client interactions. During this period you meet clients either in person or on the phone. You discuss your analysis of their particular problem and inform them of the progress you’ve made so far. This can also involve an exchange of relevant information between the client and the consultant. The consultant can also ask for any additional information if he/she is in the initial stages of analysis. If the client meeting is towards the completion of a project the discussions will mostly be based on making recommendations to the client on how to improve their processes or on the relevant topic for which you have been hired. The day of a consultant mostly ends with going through the various aspects of the project at hand as well as the work for the next day.