You have been charged with the task of creating a new branding campaign for a product that hasn’t been doing well. What is your process?

The goal is to find out how the candidate changes the course of a brand.

What to look for in an answer:

  • Do they see the opportunity to rebrand as an interesting challenge?
  • Do they have experience in rebranding?
  • Do they have creative ideas for rebranding?


“I came into a team that had a brand that had released a faulty product and accumulated negative associations with customers. We rebranded by creating a bright and cheery new logo that signaled the change in the product. We acknowledged to customers that the product had had issues and was being reformulated, and we communicated throughout the rebrand. Customers gave us a chance, spread their satisfaction with friends and the new brand became successful.”

The following guide will ensure that you are on the right track.

  1. Set a goal. Setting a clear goal or goals for your campaign is essential and the more specific you are the better.
  2. Choose your methods.
  3. Craft a simple message.
  4. Generate some hype.
  5. Launch it!
  6. Monitor your efforts.
  7. Make changes when necessary.

Set a goal

Setting a clear goal or goals for your campaign is essential and the more specific you are the better. Apart from being a great way to motivate your team during the crucial early stages of the campaign, it will also make it easy to tell whether or not your efforts are being successful. Whether you want to make 1,000 sales in the first week or gain 10,000 followers on Twitter, be very clear about what will constitute success and don’t be afraid to be a little ambitious.

Choose your methods

You should choose your marketing channels based on how well they will showcase your product, because whether you use print, television or social media, you need to ensure that all those features and benefits are obvious. It is also important to choose channels that your target audience utilizes as well, for instance, a social media campaign can be a great way to reach a youth audience, but print or television may be a better approach when targeting a senior demographic.

Craft a simple message

The most effective campaigns are built around a simple message, so think about the many benefits of your product and try to simplify them into one or two main points. Not only will this make it easier to explain why your product is so great, a simple message will be easier for people to remember and share as well. When deciding on the wording of your message keep in mind the style, tone and language used by your target audience, because your message needs to show that you are their kind of business.

Generate some hype

You want people looking out for your launch well before it even takes place, so spread a little hype in the weeks and months leading up to it. It is wise to offer free demos to influential people in your industry in exchange for their review, because if they like your product you can be sure that it will make some news and their fans will want it as well. Leaking key details of the product – such as impressive specs or stats – can create plenty of buzz as well, particularly if you are targeting relevant industry blogs and forums (Apple has used targeted leaks to great success with many recent product launch campaigns).

Launch it!

While your launch doesn’t need to be an extravagant affair, it is a good opportunity to spark a few sales – so make some noise! Whether you introduce your new product via a press release, a social media campaign or a series of flash mobs, be sure that you are using channels that your target audience will notice. Offering deals or discounts to mark the occasion will definitely help turn heads and be sure to incorporate a clear call to action, such as ‘Sign Up’, ‘Contact Us’ or ‘Download Now’.

Monitor your efforts

Once your product is launched, you need to know what is and isn’t working with your campaign in order to maximize its impact, so get your finger on the pulse. Make it easy for customers to provide feedback and pay close attention to any you get, as this will provide a source of invaluable information. Monitoring mentions of your business online is another great way to get a sense of any buzz being generated. Your website analytics will often track where any new traffic is coming from – so take some time to investigate it – and anytime someone buys your product, take note of who they are and how they heard about it.

Make changes when necessary

If it becomes clear that something is wrong with your product or that an element of your campaign isn’t working, make any necessary changes as soon as possible. Not only will this help to improve the quality of your product or the success of your campaign, more importantly, it will show your customers that you care about their wants, needs and opinions.

The success or failure of a product often hinges on whether or not it is backed by a quality campaign. Give your new product its best chance of success by planning your campaign carefully.