Why Are You Looking for a New Job?"

When you’re interviewing for a new job, you can bet the interviewer wants to know why you’re looking for a new job. It’s one of the top interview questions.

The question may be posed several ways, including, “Why are you looking for a new opportunity?” or “Why are you leaving your current job?” The best way to answer this question is by understanding what the interviewer really wants to know when it’s being asked.

What the Interviewer Wants to Know
When you’re interviewing for a new position, you should come prepared to answer questions about why you’re leaving or have already left your job. The reasons why people leave jobs often tell a lot more about the people leaving the job than it does the job itself. The interviewer is trying to gauge what kind of employee you’ll be if you’re hired.

The interviewer wants to know if you are:

A team player who gets along with others.
A good culture fit with the new company.
Diplomatic when discussing tough subjects.
Planning on sticking around at the new company if you’re hired.

Tips for Giving the Best Response
Frame your answer in a way that makes your interviewer feel confident that the position you’re interviewing for is in line with your personal and professional goals. Rather than focus on the past and negative experiences you may have had at your old job, your answer should open the door to a discussion about why you want the job you’re interviewing for and why you’re the best person for it.

The interviewer is looking for an answer that will help in the hiring decision. While the specifics of your answer will depend on whether you left voluntarily or were asked to leave, it’s important to answer in a way that casts you in a positive light.