Who is your Role model and why in an MBA Interview?

In MBA interviews, inquiries about role models and inspiration are common. They will learn about your own values and what motivates you, which are critical considerations when determining whether your values and beliefs fit with that of the Institute. This is an extremely subjective interview question. Don’t pick someone because you think that’s what the panelists want to hear. There is no concrete rule saying that role models have to be well-known. People you know; relatives, friends, former coworkers, managers, or someone who has accomplished something you admire are all good candidates. However, keep in mind that you must justify your actions and accurately articulate them so that they understand why they are your role model.
There are many points of view. However, I recommend avoiding any mention of contentious celebrities, as this may not be acceptable to all panelists. Avoid political individuals as well. Introducing politics into an interview can be dangerous. You may fight and disagree, depending on the interviewer’s point of view.

Everybody needs a hero. There is a reason hero-worshipping has been an integral part of the human civilization throughout the globe, from the ancient Greeks and Egyptians to our very own Harappan roots. To find a hero or a role model to follow is a very natural human instinct and talks about the nature of the person based on the attributes which attract them towards their role model.

A company or a B-school both have a set of principles and ethics which have been a part of their work culture right from foundation or have become one through these years. When they ask candidates about their role models, a part of the inspection also touches the fact if the characteristics of the role model match those with their organization.

Of course, apart from this, the interviewers also look for the ability of the candidate to explain their viewpoint about the subject, their knowledge about the person and his or her field of work, and how they can relate those ideals or characteristics with their daily line of work and life.

On a personal note, my suggestion would be to name a person who has touched your life personally. It may be your family members, relatives, or your favorite celebrity who has inspired you throughout your life to be a better version of yourself.

Since a lot depends upon the characteristics of the person and your ability to explain them, a suggestion would be to avoid taking people who may divide opinions on the basis of ideology, politics or anything that evokes extreme responses, since we don’t know how those things might affect the interviewer.

"Who is your role model, and why? " is one of those questions you can use to control the interview flow, but it is also one of those questions that can ruin it for you.

Some points to keep in mind while answering it are as follows -

  1. Take time to think about your response - While this question might seem easy to answer. However, take time to consider what you will say because it will impress the panelists about your skills and personality.
  2. Be authentic and relevant - While answering, you do not want the panelist to think that you are dishonest so never make answers on the spot.
  3. Summarize what you learned from them - You can share what you learned from them and what significance they played in your life.
  4. Identify the qualities you admire and relate them with yours - Identify the qualities you like about them and feel that it is synonymous with yours. Also, please explain how you put them into practice in day-to-day life.