Which sorting algorithm should be used and when should it be used by a back end developer?

  • Quick Sort - One of the most efficient sorting algorithms is Quick Sort. It works by breaking down an array or list into smaller pieces and switching values depending on a comparison with the ‘pivot’ element. It works better with data that fits in memory. Merge sort is favored in all other cases.
  • Bubble Sort: The most basic yet inefficient sorting algorithm, it runs through a list several times, comparing neighboring items, and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. It’s mainly used when the array is short or when there’s a lot of data that’s almost sorted.
  • Merge Sort – It is one of the most efficient algorithms because it employs the divide-and-conquer principle. It iteratively breaks down lists into sub-lists made up of single components, which are subsequently merged according to the criteria. When dealing with a linked list or when the known data is comparable, this method is commonly utilized.
  • Selection Sort – It is a comparison-based sorting algorithm that is quick and easy to use. It sorts by continually finding the smallest element in an array. It’s best for tiny arrays because its temporal complexity makes it wasteful for bigger ones.
