1. Salary
Accenture will pay you a higher salary than Cognizant (around 1.5 to 2 k more).
Accenture’s actual package is 3.10/3.15 LPA even in training, whereas cognizant has a slightly lower package.
2) Training
Accenture’s training is a little lower than Cognizant’s. Cognizant trains you for 2-6 months, whereas Accenture trains you for 1/2.5 months. Cognizant’s training program covers a wide range of topics, and the company has high expectations of you. Cognizant believes in in-house training; you will be in the company from the start, with proper facilities and trainers all in one location. On the other hand, Accenture sends employees to other organizations for training, such as Seed Infotech.
3) Exit Exams
The passing percentage for Accenture is 60-65 percent. Cognizant’s passing criteria is strictly 70% overall, with some tests requiring 100% in programming to pass. Both companies have three exit test attempts.
4) Work culture
Although both companies have nearly identical work cultures, cognizant wins this point due to smart casuals and flexible office clothing rules (my fav). On weekdays, you can wear jeans if you adhere to the smart casual dress code. There is no need for formal attire unless a meeting is scheduled.
One thing to note about cognizant is that you address everyone by their first names; there is no need to use salutations such as sir/mam.