The popular belief is that resumes land jobs. NOT TRUE. The resume’s sole purpose is to land
you an interview. A resume is to give your potential employer a feel for your past experience and
skills. Remember you are trying to sell yourself, so emphasize your strengths. Most employers
look for a steady job history and positive patterns of progression (i.e. increased responsibility,
promotions). However, each organization has different demands and it is essential to learn as
much as possible about the employer and what he or she is looking for. Your resume should be
tailored as much as possible to match each employer’s needs.
Employers not only use resumes to find a good fit, they also use them to weed through the
applicants. At this point in the hiring process employers are handling numerous resumes and they
are looking for mistakes to narrow the applicant pool. From the resume, the employer will decide
who they will and will not interview.
Remember your resume should be a reflection of you! Although, certain standard elements are
included in all resumes, there is no perfect resume mold that you must ascribe to. Your resume
should accurately reflect your background and experience in a way that optimizes your
qualifications. One way to maximize the impact of your resume is to choose a style that will
make your personal history as attractive as possible.
If your resume is well-written, it will generate phone calls asking you to come in for interviews.
If you are not getting phone calls and you are sending out resumes, then you need to take a closer
look at what you are sending out. Any resume can list employment dates and job position titles,
but only the best ones speak the language employers want to hear.