What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?

What methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?

Website speed optimization influences conversions, Slow sites kill conversions.
Google considers speed when ranking sites, your load times can also influence how easily users can find you in the first place.

Minimize HTTP requests - By minimizing the number of requests a web page needs to make, it will load faster. Reducing this number of requests will speed up your site, look through your files and see if any are unnecessary.

Minify and combine files - This reduces the size of each file, as well as the total number of files.

Defer JavaScript loading - Deferring a file means preventing it from loading until after other elements have loaded. If you defer larger files, like JavaScript, you ensure that the rest of your content can load without a delay.

Reduce server response time - If you’re using a slow DNS, this increases the time it takes for browsers to locate your site. Switching to a faster DNS provider can speed up the process.

Use asynchronous loading for CSS and JavaScript files - Loading files asynchronously can speed up your pages because when a browser loads a page, it moves from top to bottom.

Run a compression audit - Pages with lots of images and other content can often end up being over 100KB in size. As a result, they’re bulky and slow to download. You can speed up download times by compressing them.

Choose the right hosting option - If you’re at a point where your traffic levels are slowing down your server response times, it may be time to switch from shared hosting to a VPS, or from a VPS to a dedicated server.

Reduce image sizes - They’re often very large files, which can slow down page load times. Reducing their size could likely have a big impact on how long the page takes to load.

Compress and Optimize Your Content - The task of compressing your website content can have a huge impact on reducing load times.

Reduce 301 Redirects - Every time a 301 redirect is used, it forces the browser to a new URL which increases page-loading times. If possible, avoid using 301 redirects.

Cache Your Web Pages - you should statically cache your web pages and database queries so that you can decrease the strain on your server as well as speed up page rendering times.