What marketing channels have the highest contact to customer conversion rate?

Generating contacts from your campaigns is important, but ensuring that those contacts are high quality is even more important. That’s where the contact-to-customer conversion rate comes in. This number will show the percent of contacts that are converting into paying customers. And while lead generation is important, if they are not turning into customers, your efforts may be better used elsewhere.

Let’s say you’ve found that email marketing has generated 5,187 contacts, and referrals have generated 2,227 contacts. However, the contact-to-customer conversion rate for email marketing is .1% while it is .8% for referrals. Even though you are generating more contacts with your email marketing efforts, you are generating a higher conversion rate from referrals. And that’s what matters.

If you are a HubSpot customer, you can easily find this information in your Sources Report.