What Makes a Great Affiliate Program?

With all the opportunities to grow your brand and increase your revenue through affiliate marketing, it can be tempting to sign up for every affiliate program you come across. However, for long-lasting relationships and results, there are some important characteristics to look for which include:

  • A winning product or service : To preserve your brand’s integrity, encourage purchases, and reduce returns it’s critical the products and services you promote are high quality. You’ll also need to believe in the product to accurately convey its value to your audience and inspire action.

  • Fair commissions and terms: Affiliate marketing should be a win-win situation for all parties involved. You’re giving the brand access to one of the most important parts of your business – your audience, so you should be compensated fairly. What counts as fair is when the product value along with the work needed to secure affiliate purchases is reflected in your commission and is paid on time.

  • Responsive support: In the digital selling world, anything can happen at the click of a button. Perhaps your affiliate link stops tracking or your affiliate’s landing page goes down. You’ll need access to fast customer support to resolve the issues quickly so you can continue selling.