What is the use of MIN Function in Excel?

The MIN Excel function is used to find out the minimum value from a given set of data/ array. It returns the minimum value from a given set of numeric values. It will count numbers but ignore empty cells, text, the logical values TRUE and FALSE, and text values.

  • Purpose: Get the smallest value.
  • Return value: The smallest value in supplied data


=MIN (number1, [number2], ...)

  • Arguments

number1 - Number, reference to a numeric value, or range that contains numeric values.

number2 - [optional] Number, reference to numeric value, or range that contains numeric values.


The MIN function returns the smallest numeric value in supplied data:

=MIN(12,17,25,11,23) // returns 11

The MIN function can accept values as separate arguments or in ranges or arrays:


MIN ignores logical values and numbers entered as text, unless they are provided as arguments:

// returns 1 
// returns 3