The StrComp function returns an integer value after comparing the two given strings. It can return any of the three values -1, 0, or 1 based on the input strings to be compared.
- If String 1 < String 2, then StrComp returns -1
- If String 1 = String 2, then StrComp returns 0
- If String 1 > String 2, then StrComp returns 1
Parameter Description
- String1 − A required parameter. The first string expression.
- String2 − A required parameter. The second string expression.
- Compare − An optional parameter. Specifies the string comparison to be used. It can take the following values.
- 0 = vbBinaryCompare - Performs Binary Comparison(Default)
- 1 = vbTextCompare - Performs Text Comparison
Add a button and add the following function.
Private Sub Constant_demo_Click()
Dim var1 as Variant
msgbox("Line 1 :" & StrComp("Microsoft","Microsoft"))
msgbox("Line 2 :" &StrComp("Microsoft","MICROSOFT"))
msgbox("Line 3 :" &StrComp("Microsoft","MiCrOsOfT"))
msgbox("Line 4 :" &StrComp("Microsoft","MiCrOsOfT",1))
msgbox("Line 5 :" &StrComp("Microsoft","MiCrOsOfT",0))
End Sub
When you execute the above function, it produces the following output.
Line 1 :0
Line 2 :1
Line 3 :1
Line 4 :0
Line 5 :1