What is the scope of job opportunities for power engineering in the coming 5 years?

We are all aware that, like water, electrical power sources, i.e. fossil fuels, are quickly diminishing. In addition to the fact that they pollute the environment, the globe is turning to renewable energy sources.

Though renewable energy sources such as water, sun, and wind provide power, the conversion ratio and waste have been the greatest obstacle. That is, we still lack the ability to harness the sun’s thermal power or the wind’s energy. As a result, high-load equipment such as air conditioners and geysers continue to use traditional electricity.
This is where power engineering’s future lies. Work on innovative technologies that can convert solar or wind energy into electricity at a rate of 95% or higher and offer a reliable power supply.

Because most of these nations have shifted to renewable energy, Scandinavian institutions are globally famous for their research in this field.