What is the salary of an NLP engineer?

The average salary of an NLP engineer may vary according to the company they work in, the position, their location, and the state of the industry at that point. However, the following can be considered as an average benchmark to understand the trend in the industry:

• An NLP Engineer’s starting compensation is around $51,000 per year gross.
• The average annual gross wage is roughly $72,000. The average senior pay is $110,000, however, it can be much higher in some situations.
• Actual earnings are determined by a variety of criteria, including the industry and firm, as well as professional experience.
• We looked through our freelancer database to see how much natural language processing specialists were costing per hour.
• NLP engineers earned an average hourly rate of $88 in January 2020, according to the freelancer map rate index. When you multiply this rate by eight hours, you get a daily average of $704.