What is the salary of a Full Stack Web Developer?

Full-stack developers’ salaries might vary greatly depending on expertise and location, as with most tech-related jobs. However, for individuals just beginning the sector, the starting compensation is quite competitive, and remote work alternatives are also available, with slight salary variances.

The following is a breakdown of front-end, back-end, and full-stack web developer salaries as reported by Glassdoor, Payscale, ZipRecruiter, and Salary. com in surveys of global employment-related search engines.

Front-End Web Developer Salary


The average compensation for a front-end web developer is $75,557 per year.
The average starting salary for a front-end web developer is $50,000 per year.
The average compensation for a senior front-end web developer is $116k per year.


The average compensation for a front-end web developer is $73,157 per year

Back-End Web Developer Salary


The average compensation for a back-end web developer is $54,688 per year


The average compensation for a back-end web developer is 94,455 per year

Full-Stack Web Developer Salary


The average compensation for a full-stack web developer is $67,174 per year.
The average compensation for a junior full-stack web developer is $44,000 per year.
$100k/year is the average salary for a senior full-stack web developer.


The average compensation for a full-stack web developer is $90,214 per year.
The average compensation for a senior full-stack web developer is $103,441 per year.
The average compensation for a junior full-stack web developer is $77,945 per year.


The average compensation for a full-stack web developer is $102,744 per year.
The average compensation for a junior full-stack web developer is $38,000 per year.
$159k/year is the average income for a senior full-stack web developer.

There are, however, other considerations to consider. For example, most persons in this position report excellent job satisfaction and plenty of prospects for advancement in their careers. Full-stack web developers’ annual salaries tend to rise dramatically with time and experience, while actual pay varies by region. Although start-ups pay less than established firms, getting your foot in the door at one of these firms can be incredibly beneficial in the long term.