What is the process to bring in more data with joins in Tableau?

It is often necessary to combine data from multiple places—different tables or even data sources—to perform a desired analysis. Depending on the structure of the data and the needs of the analysis, there are several ways to combine the tables.

  1. To create a join, connect to the relevant data source or sources.
  2. These can be in the same data source (such as tables in a database or sheets in an Excel spreadsheet) or different data sources (this is known as a cross-database join). If you combined tables using a cross-database join, Tableau colors the tables in the canvas and the columns in the data grid to show you which connection the data comes from.
  3. Drag the first table to the canvas.
  4. Select Open from the menu or double-click the first table to open the join canvas (physical layer).
  5. Double-clicking a table on the relationship canvas opens the join canvas
  6. Double-click or drag another table to the join canvas.
  7. If your next table is from another data source entirely, in the left pane, under Connections, click the Add button ( in web authoring) to add a new connection to the Tableau data source. With that connection selected, drag the desired table to the join canvas.
  8. Click the join icon to configure the join. Add one or more join clauses by selecting a field from one of the available tables used in the data source, choosing a join operator, and a field from the added table.
  9. Note: You can delete an unwanted join clauses by clicking the “x” that displays when you hover over the right side of the join clause.
  10. When finished, close the join dialog and join canvas.