What is the limit for Adwords Ad characters?


People are most likely to notice your headline text, so consider including words that people may have entered in their Google search. Your text ad consists of three headlines where you can enter up to 30 characters each to promote your product or service. The headlines are separated by a vertical pipe ("|") and may show differently based on the device someone is using when they view your ad.

Display URL

The display URL, usually in green, shows your website address. This display URL is made up of the domain from your final URL and the text in the optional ”Path” fields. These fields are designed to help people who see your ad get a better sense of where they’ll be taken when they click it. Your path text doesn’t have to match the exact language of your display URL.


Use the description fields to highlight details about your product or service. It’s a good idea to include a “call to action”—the action you want your customer to take. If you’re an online shoe store, your description might include “Shop now” or “Buy shoes now.” If you offer a service, you might want to add something like “Get an instant quote online” or “See pricing.”

Length limits

Field Max length
Headline 1 30 characters
Headline 2 30 characters
Headline 3 30 characters
Description 1 90 characters
Description 2 90 characters
Path (2) 15 characters each

In expanded text ads, the length limits are the same across all languages. Each character in double-width languages like Korean, Japanese, or Chinese counts as two towards the limit instead of one.
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