What is the difference between Data Analyst and Business Analyst?

Some firms may interchangeably use the titles “business analyst” and “data analyst” because the two professions are comparable. While both sorts of analysts utilize data to help businesses make better decisions, they do so in different ways.

Data Analyst:

Data analysts collect, clean, analyze, visualize, and present existing data to assist in making business decisions. An effective data analyst analyses data to answer a question and empower decision-makers to choose the best path forward. A data analyst’s typical responsibilities include:

  • Defining a problem or a business requirement with the help of business leaders and stakeholders.

  • Locating and obtaining data.

  • Data cleaning and preparation for analysis.

  • Patterns and trends are discovered through analyzing data.

  • Data visualization to make it easier to comprehend.

  • Presenting facts in a way that tells a convincing story.

Business Analyst:

Business analysts assist their organizations in identifying challenges, opportunities, and solutions. They accomplish this by:

  • assessing the current roles and IT structures of an organization

  • Processes are being reviewed, and team members are being interviewed to find opportunities for improvement.

  • Management and other important stakeholders will be informed of the results and recommendations.

  • Making visualizations and financial models to help you make better business decisions

  • Staff education and coaching in new systems