What is the difference between continuous deployment and continuous delivery?

Continuous deployment is fully automated, and the deployment to production requires no manual intervention; however, continuous delivery requires some manual intervention for change management in the organization, and it must be approved by the manager or higher authorities before being deployed in production. The continuous deployment/delivery method will be chosen based on your organization’s application risk factor.

Continuity is a very important part of the DevOps lifecycle.

The differences between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are:

  • Continuous Delivery ensures code can be safely deployed on to production whereas in Continuous Deployment every change that passes the automated tests is deployed to production automatically.
  • Continuous Delivery ensures business applications and services function as expected whereas Continuous Deployment makes software development and release process faster and more robust.
  • Continuous Delivery delivers every change to a production-like environment through rigorous automated testing whereas in Continuous Deployment there is no explicit approval from a developer and requires a developed culture of monitoring.