What is the Computational Graph? "

What is the Computational Graph?


In TensorFlow, machine learning algorithms are represented as computational graphs. A computational graph is a type of directed graph where nodes describe operations, while edges represent the data (tensor) flowing between those operations.

Before we dig deeper, let’s learn the building blocks of the graphs.

  • Tensors: A tensor is a description of a multidimensional array. Tensors may have a shape and data type, but don’t have actual values. Tensor shapes can usually be derived from the graph.
  • Operations: An operation can have zero or more inputs and produce zero or more outputs. As such, an operation may represent a mathematical equation , variable , constant , or a control flow directive .
  • Variables: All trainable parameters of machine learning models are tf . Variables. A variable is defined by its name, type, shape, and initialization procedure.

ref: TensorFlow 1.0 vs 2.0, Part 1: Computational Graphs | by Yusup | AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business | Medium)%20flowing%20between%20those%20operations.&text=Tensors%20may%20have%20a%20shape,don’t%20have%20actual%20values.

The computation graph is the pathway of operations you take to get from the inputs (which could be a data feature vector) to the loss function (since you connect the output to a loss function to optimize).

A feedforward network could be called a computation chain, since you start from some input vector, transform it through some affine transform (a matrix multiply with another node, the weight matrix), run it through a nonlinearity (i.e. an element wise function like the logistic sigmoid), and repeat until you reach the output node — you will then run your output through a function that returns a scalar error value, thus reaching the end of your directed graph. This graph of operations, or computations, is a useful formalism when you want to do something like reverse mode differentiation (or back-propagation of errors) =]