What is the best way to learn Python as a beginner?

To begin with, code every day.
Consistency is essential when learning a new language. We recommend committing to coding on a daily basis. Contrary to popular opinion, muscle memory plays a vital role in programming. The establishment of muscle memory will be substantially aided by committing to coding on a daily basis. Start with 25 minutes every day and work your way up from there, even if it seems difficult at first.

See the First Steps With Python Guide for further information on how to get started with Python.

Make a list of everything you want to do.
As you gain experience as a programmer, you may wonder whether or not you should take notes. Yes, you really must! In fact, research suggest that taking notes by hand is the most effective way to retain information for the long term. Many interviews will ask candidates to write code on a whiteboard, therefore this will be especially handy for those hoping to be full-time developers.

When you’re working on small projects and programmers, writing by hand can also assist you develop your code before you transfer it to the computer. You’ll save a lot of time if you write out the functions and classes you’ll require, as well as how they’ll interact.

Make it participatory!
Whether you’re studying about basic Python datatypes (strings, lists, dictionaries, and so on) for first time or troubleshooting an application, the interactive Python shell will be one of your finest learning tools.