What is the best career advice for a software developer to earn a higher salary?

There are seven methods, some of which are more applicable to employees than to entrepreneurs. Always keep in mind to play the long game.

1st Strategy: Start with the end in mind.
Action: On a piece of paper or on your worksheet*, write out your medium-term career objective and work your way backward, step by step.

2nd Strategy: Become an intrapreneur
Action: Put down the transferrable abilities you’d want to acquire in the first column on a piece of paper or on your worksheet*, and then write down your thoughts in the second column.

3rd Strategy: Put yourself in others’ shoes.
Action: On a piece of paper or on your worksheet, make a list of activities you already do to help others. Add a couple of additional items to the to-do list and get to work on them as soon as feasible.

4th Strategy: Find a few champions
Action: Schedule a 1 to1 meeting with a few champions from within or outside your company. There is no need for an agenda because this is the first step in developing a connection. You can use the table in your worksheet to help you.

5th Strategy: Produce business results and back them up with data
Action: See if you can obtain access to critical stats for your firm by speaking with your boss. Is it possible to look at a Value Driver Tree (VDT), a Net Promoter Score (NPS), or a Balanced Scorecard?

6th Strategy: Be a social butterfly
Action: Meet for coffee or lunch with someone from a different team inside your organization. Repeat a few more times with various individuals until you feel at ease with them and have a deeper knowledge of them.

7th Strategy: Never stop learning
Action: Speak with your boss, coworkers (from other teams), and team members to see if there is anything you can do to assist them. Is your marketing team, for example, in need of someone to assist them at the next trade show? Is a facilitator required for your product team’s upcoming design sprint? Tell them you want to enhance your knowledge in order to advance in your career.