What is the average salary of Java Developer in India?

  • So, according to market criteria, the average salary may be Exp x 1.5 lacs. However, it appears that the standard in Tech is quite low. They take into account Exp x 1.25 lacs.

  • So, in your situation, for 3.2 years of experience, Tech will provide one of the two options.

  • 20–30% increase in present wage

  • Alternatively, 3.2 x 1.25 = 4 lacs

  • Whichever is appropriate. However, it is not a mandate. If you are available to start in 10–15 days, you can negotiate a greater pay as well as a joining bonus.

  • Minimum and maximum Salary in technology is determined by project cost centers, and HR only recruits people that fall inside that range.

  • Also, if HR finds a deserving candidate who can join in a shorter period of time, there is an option for exception permission, in which HR submits a request to the IBU head to approve and accept the candidate.