What is the average salary of Full Stack Developer in India?

Full-stack development jobs are among India’s highest-paying positions. This is primarily due to the high demand for this service and the scarcity of qualified professionals in this field. In India, a full-stack developer earns INR 9.24 LPA on average. Pay varies based on experience, employment location, company size, and other factors.

A full-stack developer with expertise can make INR 16 LPA, whereas a fresher can expect to start with INR 5–6 LPA.

A full-stack developer’s compensation is compared to the wages of other developers in the table below. Please keep in mind that full-stack engineers with additional product and service experience always have an advantage over specialist developers, increasing their earning potential.

  • Full-stack web developer vs. front-end developer salary — In India, a full-stack developer earns on average INR 9 LPA, whereas a front-end developer gets between INR 5 and 6 LPA.
  • Full-stack web developer vs. back-end developer salary — In India, a back-end developer earns on average INR 6.82 LPA, which is less than a full-stack developer.
  • Full-stack web developer salary vs. mean-stack web developer salary — In India, a mean-stack developer earns INR 6–12 LPA on average. Although the pay is comparable to that of a full-stack developer, it varies depending on criteria such as firm size, geography, and experience.

What is "an average salary " of “new” full Stack Developer in India ?

~Rs. 7 lakhs per annum

The above is some what an average salary that a fresh full Stack Developer can get based on my research. But the actual range can vary from 3.5 LPA to 35 or even 40LPA (From Uber & Microsoft career source) for a fresher.

I’m pretty sure, you can set a baseline as 7–8 LPA for a good start in your professional path in India. If you’re gonna get anything less than that then you can try and push above the average line. If you’re getting more than the average then be happy about your self that you are doing well.

As a side note, I wanted to say that Money is an important factor but at the end of the day your work-life balance and self satisfaction matters more than anything else. Happy coding!