What is the average salary of a Back End Developer?

The numbers that have been revealed are based on the position, skills possessed, company, and location of work of an employee.
• The average base income for a backend developer is $80,713, according to Glassdoor’s analysis of 200 anonymous salaries. The lowest wage offered was approximately $48K, while the highest was approximately $132K.
• Based on 2,200 salaries, Indeed claims a higher figure of $118,856 per year. As a backend engineer, you may expect a $4,000 incentive per year, according to Indeed.
• Backend developers earn an average of $81,161 per year. This figure is based on 58 anonymous salary submissions to PayScale. According to PayScale, the lowest wage is $51K and the highest is $131K.
• The average backend developer compensation, according to ZipRecruiter, is $83,770 per year, with the low end at $33,500 and the high end at $149K.
According to these figures, the average annual compensation for a backend developer is $90,826.
