Six Sigma is a process for increasing operations management quality by removing mistakes and defects, lowering costs, and saving time. It’s designed for high-end engineering and manufacturing, where organizations strive for “six sigma” quality (less than seven flaws per million), but it may also be used in other product and service sectors. It is costly to deploy, but when done well, it pays for itself and transforms businesses into industry leaders and centers of excellence.
Six Sigma Principles:
Top executive support: Six Sigma will only function if senior executives back up the quality engineers and department heads.
Top-down training: While Six Sigma may hire outside experts, it cannot rely on them indefinitely. Six Sigma training is necessary for everyone in the firm, division, or department.
Include the customer’s perspective: Eventually, there is only one measurement of success: satisfied clients who buy our products and return for more. So, let’s start there: through focus groups, surveys, complaints, and other instruments we employ to listen to our consumers, the customer determines what quality is in our products and services.