What is Pagination?

Not all sites can have all their information on a single page. Websites may need to use multiple pages for easier navigation, better user experience, buyers journey, persona, etc. A good example here would be e-commerce sites. It would be impractical to have a site like Amazon list all of its products in one category on one page. Sometimes, a product’s images and descriptions could also be split across multiple pages if needed.

Despite the fact that studies have shown that users prefer single-page content, using multiple pages when necessary is fine. For proof, here’s what Google has said about this
f you are looking to present large amounts of data on your site, like a blog, or series of charts or graphs that show information about the same data set, you definitely need to split your graphs across pages for readability.
In this article, we explore how to split content across pages, how to implement it effectively, and how it impacts SEO.
Pagination is a sequence of pages which are connected and have similar content.

It is important to note that even when the content on a section of a page is split into distinct pages, we will still define that as pagination.

Pagination refers to the concept of breaking a large set of data in smaller chunks so that it can easily be absorbed both by the application and the user.

In simple terms, when you search for something on Google you get a list of numbers and Goooooogle written at the bottom of the results page. This is a breakdown of all the million+ results Google has found for your query and has broken it down into “pages” so that you can easily browse through them.
This is pagination.

Though pagination does not necessarily involve “pages”. Searching for images on Google images or Bing and scrolling to the bottom automatically adds a whole bunch of results automatically. This is called infinite scrolling and is also an example of pagination.

I also said that is easier for application to absorb it because the application can be faster as the amount of information to be downloaded and rendered is less.